The Grotto Bay Tennis Club under the direction of Head Tennis Pro Romar Douglas host a World Tennis Day event. 

World Tennis Day is an annual festival of tennis around the world in which tennis fans, tennis clubs, tennis facilities, and tennis promoters work with national associations to host events to celebrate participation in the sport, and to promote the healthy lifestyle that comes with playing.

Grotto Bay celebrated the event by hosting some 70 plus children from after school programs  who participated in  tennis skills and drills activities.

The were also awards presented to those who have and continue to support the local Tennis community.

Mr. Alan Simmons  received the  Distinguished Persons Awards

Glennis Dickerson  received the Outstanding Commitment & Service Awards

Bermuda Tennis Foundation  received the Philanthropy Award

Cedar Aviation services LTD  received the  Sponsorship Recognition Award.

The event was also, support by the BLTA, various invited guests, parents, and friends of tennis.

Congratulations to Grotto Bay Tennis on hosting this wonderful event.