BLTA Happy Hour!   Friday January 22nd 2016


Happy New Year to one and all!

We hope you enjoyed your holidays and are back on the tennis courts.

We’re starting the year with a bang. We hope you remember next week’s Happy Hour event on Friday, 22nd January at 6:00pm at Pomander Gate, Paget. We will be showcasing our new website plus other exciting news for 2016. Remember to bring your cash for the cash bar and raffles. We will be serving food.

If you are a registered member of the BLTA for 2016, on entry to this event, you will receive a raffle ticket for a draw for a mystery prize. Attached is the 2016 membership registration form for you to complete and return to the office by Friday, 12 noon, or you can fill this out at the door payable by cash to be entered into the members’ raffle.

Please RSVP to by Wednesday, 12 noon, 20th January, if you are planning to come so we can properly cater for this event.

See you there!